Friday, January 29, 2010

Big changes...

Well. Not exactly big changes yet, but soon there will be, hopefully. I am negotiating with Mother Earth to see if she will switch to a longer rotational pattern around her axis, because it turns out I need more than 24 hours in each day in order to get done everything I need to get done. Not sure how she will respond to my request, but I will let you know.

In the meantime, I may just link from here to some other blogs I write, because I've got a couple others going on what with the classes I am taking and the internship I am doing. Eventually, I may phase out this blogspot and move myself over to Wordpress with a bigger focus on local food specifically. OK, this isn't really a "may" so much as I'm not sure when I will be done getting the site ready. But when I do, you betcha I'll direct you there.

ANYWAY. Go check out this ridiculous video from Nat Geo on what it takes to make plastic bottles that get "recycled" into polyester clothing over in China Food & Water Watch's's blog response to it.

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